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Introduction to Bookbinding
Registration Info
No activities available for registration
Payment In Full In Advance Only
Cancellation Policy:
Please contact the Organiser if you need to cancel. In general the registration fee will be applied to another later course, rather than a refund given. In special circumstances we may refund if requested.
About this event
This course is a two-day course taking place on two consecutive Saturdays, 21st and 28th October. Both days are required to complete the course. When you register for 21 October you are also registering for 28th October.
This course introduces you to cloth and paper covers. You will learn about paper grain, cutting, folding, and sewing the signature to create a pamphlet binding. You will then move on to create a multi-signature sewn and bound sketchbook. This course will prepare you to progress to the next level or to continue on your own.
Course Leader: Lorelle Toms (Day 1), Sandy Johnson (Day 2). Course Helper: Sarah Davies (Day 1).
Please complete a membership application prior to registering for this course. Registration is for QBG members only.
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